3 truths about human nature in The Street Lawyer

One truth of human nature is selfishness for ones job/life.

The Street Lawyer displays this using Chance’s office and how he hides or destroys files that may hurt his reputation or his job.  This is brought up when Micheal is trying to find the motives on Mister’s attack.  When asked about the file Chance displays a fear of people actually finding out what he is truly doing.  If Chance had kept the file on record he could have presented it and not have gotten the firm into this mess.

Another truth about human nature under certain circumstances is a need to help others in some way.

Micheal is the key player in the truth.  He forfeits his big time job in order to help the homeless and for almost little to none pay.  This type of self sacrifice is uncommon among the Lawyers of the world, but Micheal was not completely sucked into the mindset of a lawyer yet.  He is able to realize that he needs to fight for the homeless and not suck every dollar out anyone who is willing to pay.

The third and final truth is about human survival.

The homeless people feel the need to survive and help each other to survive.  Ruby is a good example pf this, how she gives her son to these people so that he can have a good life away form the street life.  This sacrifice made by Ruby is the ultimate way to ensure survival of her child.

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