The street Lawyer takes place in the city of Washington D.C. Primarily within the downtown and anyplace where the homeless are found. From the time you start the book to the time you finish is about one month of events that has taken place inside this book. The book is put into the present tense and takes place around this time frame that we are in right now. The two Law firms that are mentioned in this book are fictional along with it’s characters. Although the events that take place are possible in today’s world dis spite being fictional. All of events though they seem real are completely fictional and did not happen. If something like this did happen like in the book the press would always be all over it. The characters of The Street Lawyer are practical yet not true and the exact happenings would probably not be the same in reality. Is I was asked if the book could happen in today’s life I would answer, yes. The events, people, and places are not outside anything that is not able to be achieved today.
watch your capitalization and other grammatical issues
you’re fragments cause your blog to lose meaning
Good way of explaining how this could be a real story.